Course curriculum

    1. A message about GPRSlice

    2. GPRSlice v.7 Manual

    3. Interested in a GPRSlice Demo or Live Training?

    1. Creating Project Folders

    2. Transfer Data to Raw Folder

    3. Create Info File (GPS)

    4. Edit Info File (GPS)

    5. Create and Edit Info File (Grid)

    6. Appending Info Files (XY Grid)

    7. Converting Data

    8. GPS Menu - Plotting and Filtering Options

    1. Setting Up Bluebox

    2. Running Bluebox to Process Radargrams

    3. Running Bluebox to Create Time-slices and 3D

    4. OpenGL After Running Bluebox

    5. XY Decoupled Gridding Bluebox for Concrete Scans

    6. Bluebox Cemetery Case Study - Start to Finish

    1. Hyperbola Fitting and Migration

    2. Background Filter

    3. Bandpass Filter and Regain

    1. Drawing Radargram Visualizations

    1. Drawing Time Slice Visualizations

About this course

  • $295.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content